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High school students in the New Haven area can now benefit from a nationwide program designed to introduce them to the wide range of career opportunities open to young people in architecture, construction, engineering, and related areas of the building design and construction industry.

The ACE Mentor Program of New Jersey is the third oldest affiliate in the country, starting in 1999 with two teams in Newark.

High school students in the New Orleans area can now benefit from a nationwide program designed to introduce them to the wide range of career opportunities open to young people in architecture, construction, engineering, and related areas of the building design and construction industry.

The ACE Mentor Program of Greater NY was the founding affiliate of the ACE Mentor Program. We began in 1994 with three teams comprised of industry professionals from 17 mentoring firms and 90 students.

Founded during the 2006-2007 school year, the ACE Mentor Program of Northeast Florida, helps high school students explore potential careers in architecture, construction and engineering.

High school students in the Omaha area can now benefit from a nationwide program designed to introduce them to the wide range of career opportunities open to young people in architecture, construction, engineering, and related areas of the building design and construction industry.

High school students in the Greater Toronto Area can now benefit from a successful North American program designed to introduce them to the wide range of career opportunities open to young people in architecture, construction, engineering, and related areas of the building design and construction industry.

High school students in Springfield and the Ozarks area can now benefit from a nationwide program designed to introduce them to the wide range of career opportunities open to young people in architecture, construction, engineering, and related areas of the building design and construction industry.

High school students in the Palm Beach/Martin County area can now benefit from a nationwide program designed to introduce them to the wide range of career opportunities open to young people in architecture, construction, engineering, and related areas of the building design and construction industry.

High school students in the Phoenix area can now benefit from a nationwide program designed to introduce them to the wide range of career opportunities open to young people in architecture, construction, engineering, and related areas of the building design and construction industry.

High school students in Polk County area can now benefit from a nationwide program designed to introduce them to the wide range of career opportunities open to young people in architecture, construction, engineering, and related areas of the building design and construction industry.

High school students in the Southern Maine can now benefit from a nationwide program designed to introduce them to the wide range of career opportunities open to young people in architecture, construction, engineering, and related areas of the building design and construction industry.