The ACE Mentor Program was a great addition to the extra curricular activities at my school since I had never had a mentor program before. The ACE Mentor Program gave me a better understanding of what I will be doing in college and helped me prepare for it. After earning my landscape architecture degree, I not only plan to start a new company, but I also hope to contribute to the community through my work. I intend to use my expertise to assist organizations and the government design reforestation projects and restore the wetlands. I would also like to design more aesthetically pleasing commercial areas to create more green space.
Austin, TX

2024-2025 Season Starts November 19th
High school students in the Austin area can now benefit from a nationwide program designed to introduce them to the wide range of career opportunities open to young people in architecture, construction, engineering, and related areas of the building design and construction industry. At weekly meetings, student teams work directly with professionals from leading area firms, who volunteer their time to mentor the teams as they design hypothetical projects, tour local construction sites, and visit architectural, engineering and construction offices.
For students, it’s a unique chance to discover and develop new skills, solidify future goals and get on track to exciting, rewarding careers. In addition, many students form positive relationships with industry professionals who can provide important references for obtaining college admissions, scholarships, internships and full-time employment.
Our Team Projects
Students in the ACE program typically work closely with their mentors on projects that provide hands-on experience in solving the types of design, engineering and construction challenges industry professionals confront every day. The teams often learn how to use advanced computerized tools, such as AutoCAD, while special exercises and activities illustrate the industry’s demand for young people skilled in math, physics, economics, art and other disciplines. Many ACE affiliates culminate their program year with special events at which teams present their concepts to mentors, families, teachers and community leaders.
Donate to ACE Austin
The ACE Mentor Program Austin is a registered nonprofit 501(c)(3). The program runs solely on sponsorships and local volunteers; your donations help fund our weekly sessions, scholarships, and overall program costs. While ACE is nationwide, 2016 was the Austin chapter’s inaugural year, and we can use all the help we can get! If you would like to make a monetary donation to the ACE Austin program, please make checks payable to “ACE Mentor Program of Austin” and mail it to “ACE Mentor Program of Austin” and mail it to PO Box 1562, Austin, TX 78767 or make an online donation through the link below. Contact Justin Brodnax with any questions or concerns.
Justin Brodnax
Hoar Construction
Joe Williams
Mentor Recruitment Chair
Norris Design
Kelly Carranza
Student Recruitment Chair
Infinity MEP
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Mentor FAQ
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Meet the Austin pioneers of ACE Mentors
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Austin, TX Affiliate Overview
and Community Impact
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Board of Directors
Our board is comprised of local industry leaders who make a significant contribution to our affiliate. We are grateful for their continuing support.
Donation Forms
Participate in ACE!
If you’d like to experience ACE’s challenges, opportunities and rewards for yourself, contact us today!