Kansas City

About Us

The ACE Mentor Program of Greater Kansas City is an after-school program for high school students that gives them a hands-on introduction to careers in architecture, construction management and engineering. It also offers much needed career guidance and scholarship opportunities. Founded in 2005 with 20 students from one high school, our program has maintained a grass roots approach and grown to approximately 60 students participating annually, from six high schools.

Working in collaborative teams guided by mentors from local building industry professional firms, students create projects that address situations and issues similar to those confronted every day by industry professionals. The result is a practical look at the opportunities and satisfactions available through a career in our industry.

For students, it’s a unique chance to discover and develop new skills, solidify future goals and get on track to exciting, rewarding careers. In addition, many students form positive relationships with industry professionals who can provide important references for obtaining college admissions, scholarships, internships and full-time employment.

ACE Mentor KC also funds a scholarship program for students who choose a post-high-school course of study leading to a career in the building industry. To date, this program has awarded scholarships worth more than $100,000. In addition, students are encouraged to apply for the ACE National Scholarships which are not linked to the local awards.

Our Team Projects

Students in the ACE program typically work closely with their mentors on projects that provide hands-on experience in solving the types of design, engineering and construction challenges industry professionals confront every day. Students meet weekly in the fall and the mentoring season culminates with an end of the year live charrette competition.

The live charrette competition levels the playing field between schools with large and small teams of students and avoids the problem of intermittent student attendance. The competition day allows for students to test these skills against a time constraint and realistic design challenge. The live charrette competition takes place on a Saturday for approximately 6 hours. The students are given an RFP and the necessary tools to complete their design and estimate. Mentors are present to assist the students and provide some light-handed guidance. The students present their project at the half way point to receive feedback, then continue their work prior to a final charrette presentation.

Donate to ACE Mentor Kansas City

ACE Mentor Program of Greater Kansas City is a registered nonprofit 501(c)(3). Donations help pay for scholarships, field trips, and overall program administration. Since 2005 we have mentored over 500 students and provided scholarships to students in greater Kansas City! If you would like to make a monetary donation to the ACE Mentor Kansas City program make checks payable to “ACE Mentor Program of Kansas City” and mail it to 2323 Grande Ave, Suite 900 Grand Ave, Kansas City, MO 64108 (attn: Donna Nalley) or make an online donation through PayPal®. Contact Trevor Bechtold at 816-472-3275 with questions or concerns about donations.


Andrew Lack
Board Chairman

For general inquires and Board
of Directors Contact Andrew above or email us.

Students interested in the program please contact us.

Mentoring Inquiries:

Brooke Craig
Director of Mentoring

School Inquiries:

Gene Lund
Director of Schools

Programming Inquiries:

Zach Kremer
Director of Programming


Kansas City ACE Team Makes Final Round At National Competition
Download the PDF

Board of Directors

Our board is comprised of local industry leaders who make a significant contribution to our affiliate. We are grateful for their continuing support.
View our board members.

Participate in ACE!

If you’d like to experience ACE’s challenges, opportunities and rewards for yourself, contact us today!